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5 Ways to Spend Time with Your Kids When You are Busy

5 Ways to Spend Time with Your Kids When You are Busy

Parents can often find themselves consumed with life and often run out of time within a day to stop and spend quality time with their children. It is not their fault. It is not that they don't love their children very much. I could be due to financial reasons where both parents have to work, or it could be that both parents have a career as well. It could also mean that a stay at home parent (the hardest job there is), is overwhelmed with tasks throughout the home itself.

Spending quality time with our children is extremely important for their development and happiness. They learn their habits and their personalities are developed by their association with their parents. Having this strong bond at a early age can help create strong adults in the future.

Mrs. Claus found this article that she wanted to share it with busy parents out there. It lists 5 different things you could consider to help increase the time spent with your children. She especially likes and is a strong advocate for #2 in the list: Integrate Together Time into Your Daily Schedule.

Just looking at your daily tasks, and placing your point of view through the eyes of your children, very strong and positive memories can be created just form simple daily tasks. As mentioned in the article, let the kids help you with addressing envelopes and putting the stamps on the mailings. Just something that simple can help create some more time for your kids, and they just love to help out their parents and feel like they have help out in some way.

CLICK HERE for the complete article.


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5 Ways to Spend Time with Your Kids When You are Busy

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