Welcome to the official webpage for Frosty the Snowman

Frosty The Snowman - Happy Birthday

Recent News and Posts

Effects of A Degree of Difference

Global climate change has already had observable effects on the environment. Glaciers have shrunk, ice on rivers and lakes is breaking up earlier, plant and animal ranges have shifted and trees are flowering sooner. The Earth's average temperature has increased about 2 degrees Fahrenheit during t...

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1950 Short Film - Frosty

In 1950, the UPA studio brought "Frosty" to life in a three-minute animated short which appears regularly on WGN-TV. This production included a bouncy, jazzy a cappella version of the song and a limited animation style reminiscent of UPA's Gerald McBoing-Boing. The short, filmed entirely in bla...

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The World's Tallest Snow Person

Holding the Guinness Book of World Records for building the World's Tallest Snow(wo)man is Robin Zinchuk of Bethal, Maine. Residents of Bethel, Maine, USA, and surrounding towns, built a snow woman measuring 37.21 m (122 ft. 1 in) tall, over a period of one month, completing her on 26 February 200...

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Why Does Frosty Have a Button Nose?

Unlike most snowmen that have a carrot for a nose, Frosty has a button nose. He also has two eyes made out of coal, smokes a corncob pipe and comes to life whenever he is wearing his magical top hat. With most snowmen having a nose that is a carrot, why was Frosty's nose a button? This researcher ...

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Frosty Trivia Added

Frosty added a link to a webpage that has some trivia about his TV Show. What was the old hat that Frosty wore made out of? Upon coming to life, what were Frosty's first words? Frosty's pipe was made from what? What were Frosty's last words at the end of the show? See how much you know by click...

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A Snowman in Golf

Frosty want's to remind you. If you receive a snowman in golf, you get an 8 on the hole. It may sound like a lot of fun to score a snowman in golf, but it certainly will not help your score card. Most golfers want to have the lowest score possible on each hole they play and would probably not br...

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Frosty Gifs

Frosty found this link to "Giphy" of him from his 1968 movie. via GIPHY If you are ever looking for some animated images of Frosty, check out the following link: http://giphy.com/search/frosty-the-snowman...

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Frosty Adds New Resources

Did you ever wonder where snow comes from? What about an answer to the question, “Are there really no 2 snowflakes the same?” Well, Frosty came down to the Department of Elfland Security to work on his webpage a little bit and we have found a few great Internet resources to help answer...

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Records 1 to 8 of 8


Frosty the Snowman's Website Frosty's Website
Connect to Frosty's website
Frosty's Frequently Asked Questions Frosty's Frequently Asked Questions
Questions asked by children all over the world.
Frosty's Biography Frosty's Biography
Frosty the Snowman's Biography
Frosty the Snowman Lyrics Frosty's Song Lyrics
Lyrics to the theme song for Frosty the Snowman. We have also posted a link to a video that will play the song.
Frosty's Trivia - Vol 1 Frosty's Trivia Page - Vol 1
See how much you know about the Frosty Movie on this trivia page. Top 10 scores displayed on the the leader board.
Frosty's cousins Frosty's Cousins
Frosty has cousins all over the world. Check out this page to see some photos.
Frosty's Ice Castle ideas Frosty's Ice Castle Ideas
A collection of Ice Castle photos Frosty is using to design his new Ice Castle.
Weather and Global Warming Resources Weather and Global Warming Resources
A collection of resources related to the education of weather and global warming.

Frosty The Snowman - Happy Birthday


Frosty Freak Out Frosty Freak Out
Create Ice Cream Treats
Snowman Match Snowman Match
Free Frosty Game Free Frosty


Frosty's Word Search Frosty the Snowman Word Search
A word search all about our friend Frosty!
Frosty's Word Jumble Frosty's Word Jumble
Printable Frosty's Word Jumble

Web Resources

The National Operational Hydrologic Remote Sensing Center provides comprehensive snow observations, analyses, data sets and map products for the Nation.
Snow Flake SnowCrystals.com
A comprehensive website showing pictures and different explanations about snowflakes.
National Snow and Ice Center National Snow and Ice Data Center
The National Snow and Ice Data Center website contains information and data collected about snow and ice from all over the world.
Frosty Trivia Frosty Trivia
Trivia questions about Frosty the Snowman
EB-Bunny Trail

Pinterest Board

WELF-NPC North Pole City Radio On-Air