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Father Time - Keeping a Watch on Time

Recent News and Posts

Father Time's Song

About the Song Written in 1976 by Johnny Marks (writer of Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer), the "Father Time's Song" appeared in the Rankin/Bass stop motion film entitled Rudolph's Shiny New Year which first aired on ABC on December 10, 1976. It was a sequel to Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer that wa...

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Learn How to Tell Time with Father Time

Father Time has been up at the North Pole for some time this month and has got together with the Department of Elfland Security's WWW/PR team and with the North Pole City school system to develop a couple of hand outs that you can use to learn how to tell time on an analog clock. In first grade, ...

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Reset Your Clocks Dinner

Every year in January, Father Time spends the month up at North Pole City and Santa’s Village. He stays at the North Pole City Hotel which was developed and designed for long term guests to stay within the city and do not stay at the Claus Mansion in Santa’s Village. The hotel is u...

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10 Ideas to Create More Quality Family Time

Everyone has a busy schedule, but making sure that you schedule quality time together should be one of your major priorities. Studies have proven that quality family time together can help increase social and academic skills, as well as, prepare your children for the future and how they can raise ...

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The Fountain of Time - Chicago

Fountain of Time, or simply Time, is a sculpture by Lorado Taft, measuring 126 feet 10 inches (38.66 m) in length, situated at the western edge of the Midway Plaisance in Washington Park in Chicago, Illinois. This location is in the Washington Park community area on Chicago's South Side. Inspired by...

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Origin of New Year's Resolutions

Where did the tradition of New Year's Resolutions come from? Why do we make these things and then seldom keep them going throughout the year? Well, the tradition dates back some 4000 years to the ancient Babylons who used to make resolutions to their gods during the new year. If the individual w...

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Father Time's Gift to the Claus'

Father Time just brought a beautiful Christmas gift to the Claus'. It is a twin to Carrier-Belleuse's clock that is located at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Made of bronze and walnut, the clock is made extremely detailed in its carvings and stands almost twenty-one inches tall. Mrs. Claus sai...

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Father Time Origin and Story

Father Time found a webpage on the Internet that explains his story pretty well, so he thought that he would just provide a link to that website (below). Chronos (also known as Chronus) is the personification of time itself. Indeed, the word means "time" and is the root of "chronology" and other mo...

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Records 1 to 8 of 8


Father Time's Website Father Time's Website
Connect to Father Time's Website
Father Time FAQ Page Father Time Frequently Asked Questions
Listing of questions and answers submitted that have been submitted to Father Time.
Father Time's Biography Father Time's Biography
Father Time's Biography
New Year's Trivia - Vol 1 New Year's Trivia - Vol 1
Test you knowledge on some New Year's related trivia. The top 10 scores will be displayed on the leaderboard.
Fun Family Activities Fun Family Activities
A pin and listing of resources related to put together to help you create more family time.
Time Management Resources Time Management Resources
Father Time thought it would be beneficial to create a large Pinterest board linking to several Time Management Resources.
Resources for Starting a New Year Starting a New Year
Father time has put together a collection of resources on Pinterest to help everyone out with starting a New Year (if you need some help).
Father Time and Santa Claus Father Time and Santa
How Father Time helps out Santa Claus

Father Time - Keeping a Watch on Time


telling time with father time Telling Time with Father Time
This document is an informational sheet that will explain how to tell time with an analog clock.
Practice Telling Time Practice Telling Time
Use this worksheet for practicing your time telling skills.
Word Search Father Time Word Search
Printable word search page about Father Time.

Father Time

Father Time's Network Father Times Network
Information such as songs, traditions, recipes, and customs about the new year.
Father Time Trivia Father Time Trivia
A trivia quiz about Father Time
Father Time Quotes The Best Quotes About Father Time
Great quotes about time and Father Time.
Old Father Time The Story of Old Father Time
This page gives the story and details of old Father Time dating back to Greek Mythology.


Bang on Time Bang on Time
With this game you need to stop the clock when it reaches the time that is displyed in words.
Difference Between Two Times Difference Between Two Times
This game uses word problems to help solve the difference between two times.
Stop the Clock Stop the Clock
Drag the five digital times to match the analog clock and then click on stop the clock to get how long it took you to solve the puzzle.
The Teaching Clock The Teaching Clock
This game has many different options to help learn about time.

Time Related

Time Teaching Resources Time Teaching Resources
A collection of time teaching resources abailable on SparkleBox. You can download or print them for FREE.
Twinkle Time Games and Resources Twinkle - Time Resources and Games
Printable worksheets and games for teaching and learning time.
World Time Clock World Time Clock
Get the time for any city in the world.
Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer 45 Recording

Pinterest Board

WELF-NPC North Pole City Radio On-Air