North Pole City Sports

Snowball Game Scores 2022

Snowball Game Scores 2022

The official score card for the 2022 North Pole City Sports Snowball games. Please check back each week for the updates.


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Snowball Game Scores 2022

Game Snacks

Popcorn Box Craft Mini Pop-Corn Box Craft
Print out this worksheet and create your very own Popcorn Box.
Peppermint Popcorn Bark Recipe Peppermint Popcorn Bark Recipe
Print off this recipe and create a great treat for the big game.

Reindeer Games

Reindeer Games Booklet Reindeer Games Rules Booklet
Game list and rules for all of the reindeer games.

Snowball Games

Guidelines and Rules Booklet Guidelines and Rules Booklet
The Official Guidelines and Rules booklet for the North Pole City Sports Snowball Games.
Snowball game Score Card Nightly Game Score Card - Blanks
Use this scorecard to officially score the rounds of a snowball game for documented scoring.
Snowball Games Merch Snowball Games Merch
Snowball Games Merchandise available in the merchandise store.

Tinsel Football

Tinsel Football Merch Tinsel Football Merch
Get your Tinsel Football merch for the big game.
Livingstone Pirates Merchandise Livingstone Pirates Merchandise
Get your 2021 Tinsel Football Champs Merchandise now in the merchandise store.
Hinklemyer Falcons - Merch Hinklemyer Falcons - Merch
Get your 2021 Tinsel Football 2nd Place Team Merchandise now in the merchandise store.
EB-Bunny Trail

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