Welcome to the web page for Lucky the Leprechaun

Lucky's Frequently Asked Questions

Here is a listing of Frequently Asked Questions for Lucky from children all over the world.

- General Questions

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General Questions

Here is a listing of Frequently Asked Questions for Lucky the Leprechaun.

  1. What do you do for a living?
  2. How tall are you?
  3. What kind of magical powers do you have?
  4. Do you ever spend any of your gold?
  5. Why are you so obsessed with your pot of gold?
  6. When not up at North Pole City, were do you live?
  7. What is your favorite song?


  1. What do you do for a living?

    I'm a cobbler. I make shoes. In fact, I have spent some time down here at the Tailor and Seamstress shop and worked with them on some new designs for all of you elves up here.


  2. How tall are you?

    The last time I was measured, I was 3 foot 3 inches. Looking at your size, we are about the same height.


  3. What kind of magical powers do you have?

    Well, I can appear and disappear with the snap of my finger. I can teleport from one location to another with ease. I can cast a rainbow after a light rain, and I can grant 3 wishes to anyone who catches me or finds my gold, you know to get away or get my gold back.


  4. Do you ever spend any of your gold?

    No, not really. I don't really have a need to do that. I just like to collect as much as I can.


  5. Why are you so obsessed with your pot of gold?

    What else do I have? Why are you so worried about my gold?


  6. When not up at North Pole City, were do you live?

    I live deep in the forest of Cooley Mountains in County Louth, Ireland


  7. What is your favorite song?

    It changes from time to time, but right now it is the Rattn' Hole, a traditional Irish Folk Song.



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Lucky the Leprechaun's FAQ Page Lucky's FAQ Page
Frequently Asked Questions for Lucky the Leprechaun
Lucky the Leprechaun's Biography Biography of Lucky The Leprechaun
View a summary of Lucky the Leprechaun's Biography.
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Lucky's Frequently Asked Questions

Worksheets and Downloads

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Lucky the Leprechaun's Word Search FREE download worksheet.
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