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Tom Turkey's FAQ Page

Tom Turkey has been working with DES to post over 75 F.A.Q. questions relating to Thanksgiving and turkeys.

- First Thanksgiving
- Cooking Turkeys and Food
- Parades
- About Turkeys
- General Thanksgiving

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General Thanksgiving

General information related to Thanksgiving

  1. What is the busiest travel day of the year?
  2. Where did the tradition of having a kiddies' table come from?
  3. In 1943, Norman Rockwell created his famous "Freedom From Want" illustration by using a Thanksgiving dinner as an example of this. What magazine did this first appear in?
  4. How big is Plymouth Rock today?
  5. Abraham Lincoln made Thanksgiving a national holiday. But, before he did, when was Thanksgiving celebrated?
  6. What governor refused to issue a Thanksgiving Proclamation because he felt it was a "Yankee institution anyway."
  7. The first Thanksgiving football game was started in 1934 by which team?
  8. Charity during the Thanksgiving season has been around since colonial times when they gave what to the poor?
  9. By the end of the 19th century, the Victorians were pretty wealthy. How did they show that they were so well refined?
  10. In 1705 a ship in Colchester, CT port was stuck frozen in the harbor and so the people delayed Thanksgiving one week so that what item on the ship (important to Thanksgiving) could be brought ashore?
  11. In 2005 President Bush pardoned two turkeys named Marshmallow and Yam. But, these turkeys were not going to Frying Pan Park in Herndon, VA like all the previously pardoned turkeys. Instead they were being sent to Disneyland (CA) to live at the Disneyland farm. Before they did this; however, what are Marshmallow and Yam do?


  1. What is the busiest travel day of the year?

    The day after Thanksgiving.


  2. Where did the tradition of having a kiddies' table come from?

    It originated around the turn of the 19th century.


  3. In 1943, Norman Rockwell created his famous "Freedom From Want" illustration by using a Thanksgiving dinner as an example of this. What magazine did this first appear in?

    Saturday Evening Post


  4. How big is Plymouth Rock today?

    It is now about the size of a car engine. It has been cracked three times and each time it cracks it gets smaller.


  5. Abraham Lincoln made Thanksgiving a national holiday. But, before he did, when was Thanksgiving celebrated?

    The governor of each state would set the date for Thanksgiving.


  6. What governor refused to issue a Thanksgiving Proclamation because he felt it was a "Yankee institution anyway."

    Gov. Oren Roberts of Texas, 1879 - 1883.


  7. The first Thanksgiving football game was started in 1934 by which team?

    The Detroit Lions started to help boost attendance. They played the Chicago Bears.


  8. Charity during the Thanksgiving season has been around since colonial times when they gave what to the poor?

    Firewood, turkeys, and whatever they could.


  9. By the end of the 19th century, the Victorians were pretty wealthy. How did they show that they were so well refined?

    They would outline the courses of their meals for their guests in French.


  10. In 1705 a ship in Colchester, CT port was stuck frozen in the harbor and so the people delayed Thanksgiving one week so that what item on the ship (important to Thanksgiving) could be brought ashore?

    Molasses. They needed it to make the pumpkin pies.


  11. In 2005 President Bush pardoned two turkeys named Marshmallow and Yam. But, these turkeys were not going to Frying Pan Park in Herndon, VA like all the previously pardoned turkeys. Instead they were being sent to Disneyland (CA) to live at the Disneyland farm. Before they did this; however, what are Marshmallow and Yam do?

    They were the Grand Marshals of the 2005 Disneyland Thanksgiving Day parade.



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All about Thanksgiving All About Thanksgiving Board
Tom Turkey put together a Pinterest Board with everything about Thanksgiving.
The first Thanksgiving menu First Thanksgiving Menu
Information about what was served at the first Thanksgiving
Presidential Turkey Pardons Presidential Pardons
Turkeys Pardon by Presidents

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Coloring Pages

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